Friday, April 9


today is friday, 

go fridays!

today is like no other friday though.  it's a busy one.

i got up around 7 (which i NEVER do).

got ready, ate some cheerios and a yogurt.

ran to the shuttle {like a fool} and headed straight to the library to finish up a paper.

went to class, now i'm in my second class {doing nothing, hence the blog}.

i will be returning to the library to write two more papers.

then off to explore an interior design exhibit for my arts symposium class.

sometime get some food in me.

head to the gym. 

head home, shower.

and make it to work for a seven hour shift.

go home get ready and head to campus because there is a DANCE tonight!

head back home and go to bed.

have an awesome friday!

xoxo, jamie

picture {via}


Rorie said...

hahah sounds like mine!!

I took a break from paper writing bc I got the introduction done!!

Anonymous said...

yay for dances! have fun girl.

brittyd said...

haha I went to the Interior Design exhibit today too! of course I waited for until the last day to go.